Careers in Caring Webinar
AHCA/NCAL staff walk through the Careers in Caring website and how to use the materials and…
“Why I Care” Collection
We’ve heard some incredible stories from some amazing caregivers this year. Share why you love working in long term…
Why Long Term Care
AHCA/NCAL asked caregivers why they chose a career in long term care. Here’s what they said… #AHCA2022 #WhyICare…
A Research-Based Approach to Hiring
Applying a research-based approach will help nursing homes and assisted living communities to identify…
Introducing Careers in Caring
Careers in Caring – a national campaign to raise awareness of the opportunities in long term care.
Long Term Care is a Calling
For those who work in long term care, they are moved to serve others and make a difference in the lives of their…
Long Term Care Career Advancement
Long term care offers staff the opportunity to develop their skills and grow in their careers. #CareersinCaring…